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frustration is a troubling thing, 
for it blocks the mind and soul.
It Carries only bad results
 while anger is its goal
and impatience is the key. 
depression will be the final toll
unless you set it free.



You wear your heart on your sleeve and the chances of getting hurt are significantly higher. The sheltered heart is harder to reach, harder to hurt. It may not show signs of breaking but the pain from hitting those weak spots is unbearable. The sheltered heart breaks slow, heals slow, and the scars rarely fade.


Live & Die

There comes a time for everyone when death becomes a very tangible thing. Some people fear death, while others fear losing loved ones to death. There are those who bring death upon others and those who bring it upon themselves. Some don’t fear death at all. Whatever the case, death is unavoidable. Everything that lives dies. We must not fear death, and we should never take it into our own hands. We should never be the ones to choose who dies and when. Life is a marvelous gift. It is terribly sad when one should steal away someone else's life. What is the true tragedy is when a person destroys themselves.

But we've heard it all before, all these sayings that are meant to make death seem less... ominous. Is death really a transition into something else? Do we have souls? Or do we cease to exist once our heart stops beating? I think people worry too much about what happens after death. WHO CARES? Ok… stupid question. Obviously many people care… the whole heaven and hell thing scares a lot of the world into being ‘good people.’ Since when does doing good things for your own benefit make anyone a good person. What really makes a good person is sincerity. You know, doing ‘good’ things because you benefit from seeing others happy. Not because you are hoping it guarantees you a place in some rumoured “paradise in the sky.”

Back to my original question, ‘Who Cares?’ Whether you care for the wrong reasons or you just have a genuine wonderment about death, you needn’t think too much about it. We don’t know what happens after death for a reason. That reason is, IT DOESN’T MATTER. What matters is what you choose to do with your life. You can go to church every Sunday, pray everynight before you go to sleep, say grace before each meal, go door to door trying to ‘save’ people; you can thank someone else for all the good things that happen to you and give someone else the credit for the success you have, you can do whatever the hell you want. I just think that doing all this is a waste of fucking time. Basically, you are living your life trying to prove to some ‘higher power’ that you are worthy. 

I think that if there was a God up there, it would want you to explore the universe that it created for you. It would want you to learn all you can. Be in awe at the mystery and wonder of the universe around you. Connect with the collective that is humanity. Give help where it is needed. Share the bountiful wealth that the earth provides to every living organism. Laugh until your stomach hurts. Fall in love. Peruse your dreams. Explore the very boundaries of your existence. Live for today, for this moment. Don’t worry about what happens once your life ends… you can cross that bridge when you get to it. Wake up people! The world is a beautiful place, and we are all an interconnected part of the whole. Live your fucking life, and love every single moment of it.


Dont be afraid.

Spirituality has taught me that the mind is the maker of misery. We are not our thoughts & we are not our emotions; we are the unchanging observer. The walls that cage us in sadness and negativity are byproducts of fear. If we can destroy our fear, the only remaining limitation is our very own skin.

There goes my blogger virginity....

What is it to be a writer? Anyone that knows how to write can be a writer. The only thing that sets a writer apart from people who can write, is passion! I believe that words are not meant to be wasted. There is a power behind words. Words can make you angry, they can make you happy, they can even make you cry. If you can read a book and have it bring up strong emotions, the writing is that of a true passionate writer.. Whatever writing you do, fiction, poetry, journalism, etc. you have to bring life to the words on the page. I hope to move people with my writing in the way that I have been moved by other peoples writing. To Inspire & Be Inspired, that's all I could ever ask for.